Bradford Young Blog
December 12, 2024
Smile Strength Comes First: Why to Treat Cavities Before Teeth Whitening

As the winter holidays near, making your teeth look bright may seem more crucial than your oral health. It’s a natural thought – you want family and friends to see your smile as pretty, not simply strong. However, the truth is that you really should treat any existing cavities before teeth whitening starts. Failing to do so would cause various dilemmas that interrupt your festive fun. To learn more, let your Allentown dentist explain the relevant details below.
(more…)October 4, 2024
The Importance of Soaking Your Dentures Daily

If you wear dentures, you have probably been told by your dentist that you need to soak them every single night. But many patients don’t really understand why this is so important, especially if they’re otherwise keeping them clean. But soaking your dentures isn’t just for cleanliness. Here’s why its so important that your prosthetics get their nightly swim!
(more…)August 20, 2024
How to Correct a Gap Between Your Front Teeth

Is there a gap between your front teeth? This is what dentists refer to as a “diastema.” The good news is that this isn’t usually harmful and doesn’t require any treatment. However, a lot of people are self-conscious about their appearance when their teeth don’t come together in the front. Read on to learn more about diastemas, why they happen, and what you can use about them.
(more…)May 13, 2024
Summer Bummer: How Summer Fun Can Injure Your Smile

All year round, the students of America look forward to summer vacation so that they can take a break from school, kick back, and enjoy the festivities of the season. While summer offers a range of fun and exciting activities, they can take their toll on your smile if you aren’t careful. Here’s a brief list of summer activities that can lead to oral health issues along with a few tips on keeping your smile in great shape.
(more…)April 8, 2024
Denture Drama: Why You Shouldn’t Wear Them 24/7

Dentures are a popular way to rebuild your smile after tooth loss for several reasons. They allow you to eat and speak more like you used to while simultaneously enhancing your appearance to boost your confidence. Although it can take about a month to adjust to wearing them initially, once your mouth has grown accustomed to them you might forget they’re there!
While it’s good that you’re no longer uncomfortable having them in, it’s important to give your mouth a break. If you’re wondering why it’s not wise to keep your artificial teeth in 24/7, keep reading to learn 3 reasons why you should remove them at night!
(more…)February 13, 2024
Does Your Dental Implant Feel Loose? Here’s What to Do

While dental implants are considered to be the best form of tooth replacement available, there are still a few problems that can arise with them. A dental implant may come loose due to injury, infection, or because it didn’t heal properly in the first place. If you have discovered that your dental implant has come loose, don’t panic! Here’s a brief overview of what to do when this happens.
(more…)December 7, 2023
Don’t Let These Holiday Drinks Cause Your Dental Health to Sink

There are few finer times to enjoy a festive beverage with family and friends than the holidays. These special times of year are made to bring people together to remember old times, celebrate the present, and make new memories. However, it’s important to watch out for your teeth when you’re enjoying a traditional drink with your loved ones. Here are three customary holiday libations that can be harsh on your teeth and a few tips to keep your smile as white and pretty as holiday snow.
(more…)October 12, 2023
Why You Shouldn’t Feel Embarrassed About Getting Dental Implants
If you’ve lost a tooth, some of your confidence was probably lost along with it. A missing tooth can affect your self-esteem, oral health, and quality of life. While you have more options than ever before to fill the gap, there are certain social stigmas surrounding dental prosthetics. You don’t have to be embarrassed if you choose a dental implant to replace your tooth. Here’s why you should be excited to invest in the most reliable solution for tooth loss.
August 5, 2023
Causes of Gray Teeth, and What to Do About Them

A people get older and start to develop a little bit of a coffee habit, its normal to start to see their teeth yellow a little bit. However, some people’s discoloration goes beyond yellowing—in certain cases, you may start to develop gray teeth.
There are a few reasons that could be the case, and there are several things that you can do about them. If you’re dealing with this problem, here’s what you should know.
(more…)June 20, 2023
Flash the Perfect Summer Smile

You have been working hard all year to ensure you look and feel your best for those exciting summer vacation plans, but did you consider your smile? Many people find themselves with a tight-lipped smile for the summer, or avoid taking pictures with family and friends if they feel self-conscious about imperfect teeth. If you feel like you cannot fully embrace your time with loved ones or make lifelong memories because of your smile, then cosmetic dentistry can help.