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Creating Smiles with Cosmetic Dentistry in Allentown

When you see yourself in a photo, are you pleased with your smile? At Bradford Young, we want your smile to be something that makes you happy. An attractive smile is your calling card to the world. Moreover, a beautiful smile builds confidence and self-esteem, two qualities that are important both professionally and socially. For these reasons, Dr. Young offers a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments from take-home teeth whitening kits to full mouth reconstruction in order to enhance your smile. We will work with you in deciding upon the treatments that are best suited to your unique circumstances as well as your budget.

Teeth Whitening

Probably one of the most popular and most cost-effective treatments available from the cosmetic dentist Allentown, PA, residents turn to for attractive and healthy smiles is at-home teeth whitening. We will give you custom-fitted mouth trays that you will fill with professional strength whitening gel we supply. Simply wear the trays according to instructions and you’ll begin to see your teeth whiten immediately with the best results happening after two weeks.

Composite Bonding

If you've ever had a cavity filled at Bradford Young, then you know that we used tooth-colored composite resin material to restore your tooth. This same material can be used to repair a tooth that is chipped, cracked, broken, misshaped or somewhat out of alignment. Dr. Young applies the resin material to your tooth and then molds and polishes your new tooth to a perfect finish.

Porcelain Veneers

Have you ever wondered why so many celebrities are born with perfect smiles? Spoiler alert: They're not. You too can have a smile that's good enough for the runway with dental veneers, also called porcelain veneers, from Bradford Young. Porcelain veneers are very thin sheets of medical-grade ceramic that are adhesively bonded to the exterior side of teeth in order to create a new smile. Because they are made of ceramic, veneers have the ability to reflect light in much the same way that the natural enamel finish on teeth does. And while porcelain veneers are indeed cosmetic, they also afford a measure of protection in that they shield teeth from further damage. You will, however, need to be careful when biting and chewing with teeth that have porcelain veneers, because they are not indestructible and are somewhat vulnerable to chips or breakage.

Smile Makeover and Full Mouth Reconstruction

Although some people use the terms smile makeover and full mouth reconstruction interchangeably, they are two different procedures. A smile makeover combines a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments - like the ones discussed above—to improve the appearance of your smile. Full mouth reconstruction, on the other hand, not only alters your smile, but corrects oral health issues, as well. In this case, our dentists may combine cosmetic dentistry treatments with restorative treatments. For example, dental implants are an ideal option for replacing missing teeth. Whether you are missing one tooth or several, dental implants can help restore your smile and better your oral health.

A dental implant rebuilds a tooth from root to crown. A small titanium post surgically implanted in your jaw serves as a root. Then, a custom-crafted tooth restoration is attached to the post. Your new tooth will blend in seamlessly with your others.

Another common restorative procedure includes dental inlays and onlays, also known as indirect fillings. These are not only used to treat tooth decay, but also a tooth that has structural damage. Inlays and onlays are fabricated in our dental lab and then affixed to your tooth.

Don't wait to have a smile that makes you happy. Call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Young to learn more about the cosmetic treatments that we offer. Our Allentown, PA, office will be glad to serve you.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

 An artificial jaw mockup biting hundred-dollar bills

Even if you want a prettier smile, you might fear the expense. That’s a fair concern – dental treatment only helps if it fits your budget. Truthfully, though, the cost of cosmetic dentistry varies by patient; you’ll need to visit Dr. Young for an exact price estimate. Still, we’ll work to make your care as affordable as possible. Our office has thus listed its available cosmetic services and financing options below. So, keep reading to learn more, or call us!

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

A woman happy with the results of her cosmetic dentistry

Generally, patients want one (or more) of three things from cosmetic dentistry: whiter teeth, straighter teeth, or differently-shaped teeth. Even so, our office’s treatments don’t have these effects equally; their prices also differ. You’d be wise to compare them before settling on anything. With that said, our team offers the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Teeth Whitening – As you’d imagine, teeth whitening whitens your smile directly. Through in-office work or take-home kits, it quickly uses bleaching gel to remove tooth stains. The service’s downsides are its moderate price and that it only affects tooth color.
  • Cosmetic Bonding –  Cosmetic bonding relies on tooth-colored resin to hide smile flaws. In particular, it’s great at treating minor tooth stains, chips, and cracks. Despite being fast and cheap, however, the bonding’s effects aren’t long-lasting; they need touch-ups every few years.
  • Porcelain Veneers – Veneers are thin, porcelain shells that bond to the fronts of teeth. Dentists use them to hide a wide range of smile flaws, including chips, stains, cracks, and misalignments. Their porcelain material also ensures results will blend seamlessly with your smile. In exchange for these features, veneers are somewhat expensive.
  • Smile Makeover – Rather than its own procedure, a smile makeover combines two or more cosmetic services into one treatment. This fact means it’s inevitably the most expensive form of aesthetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry is a Worthwhile Investment

 A ceramic model tooth, piggy bank and money on light blue wooden table

Cosmetic dentistry is a big financial commitment; there’s no denying this fact. Regardless, its various treatments represent a worthwhile investment that pays off over time.

You see, cosmetic dental work offers you various priceless advantages. One such perk is heightened confidence from a transformed smile. Another, meanwhile, is how pretty pearly whites smooth out your relationships with friends and family. A gorgeous grin can even boost your career, helping you ace job interviews and land promotions.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

A patient using a credit card to pay the cost of cosmetic dentistry

To be honest, dental insurance usually won’t cover cosmetic dentistry. Nonetheless, there are other ways to make it affordable. The most notable of these are the financing options provided by various dental practices.

Just look at Dr. Young’s office, for instance. Our team works with CareCredit – a reputable third-party financier. Through them, you could pay for cosmetic work with monthly, low-interest installments. This approach lets you gradually cover your new smile’s cost, making your enhanced teeth budget-friendly.

As you can see, we’re ready to make your smile pretty at an affordable cost. Therefore, go ahead and book a consultation visit with us!

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry has a bad reputation for being expensive, but you don't have to be rich to revamp your smile. You have more treatment options than ever before, which means there's a solution to fit your budget. Your cosmetic dentist in Allentown will consider your financial situation when creating your treatment plan. Our office also offers various payment methods to keep a beautiful smile affordable, like monthly payments. Based on your credit approval, you can make monthly installments on any out-of-pocket expenses with little or no interest in financing.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Take?

Everyone's timeline differs because every treatment plan is unique. You'll require an initial consultation, and it's not uncommon to need a little prep work before benefiting from elective procedures, like a dental cleaning, filling, or gum disease therapy. Each cosmetic procedure also has a different timeline. Some treatments can be completed in a single appointment, but others may require multiple visits. Your cosmetic dentist will explain exactly how long you can expect the process to take during your consultation.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

Many factors will affect the duration of your results, like the procedure used. No matter the treatment, you can get the most from your new smile with good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes and floss daily. Eat nutritious foods and limit those that are hard, chewy, sugary, or starchy. Protect your smile with an athletic mouthguard if you play sports. Stop any bad habits that may damage your teeth, like chewing on your fingernails. Don't forget to visit your dentist every 6 months for a dental cleaning and checkup to keep your mouth healthy and your smile looking its best.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Your comfort is a top priority. Depending on your treatment plan, your dentist may use numbing medication to block any pain. At most, you may feel some vibrations or pressure, but you won't have any outright pain. After the effects of numbing medications wear off, some procedures can cause temporary tenderness. You can prevent discomfort by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever and eating soft foods. Your cosmetic dentist will review any additional instructions before you go home.